Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

We went to the Rootstown Memorial Day parade in the morning. Max liked watching people and he especially liked the horses. It was very hot yesterday!

He went for a swing. Jake gave him some pushes!

The boys took a dip in Jake's new pool...

...And by the end of the party at Grandma and Grandpa's house, Max was a tired boy!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Enjoying some nice weather on Thursday after the crazy storms on Wednesday night.
Swinging at Aunt Becky's house.

Max is fully mobile these days...he is crawling everywhere and even walking a little with the help of furniture. I like to call him Hurricane Max because he basically leaves a trail of destruction wherever he goes in the house. He manages to find every little thing that he shouldn't be playing with. He also has been scratched a few times by Gertie. Most of the time he instigates it, but sometimes she will go right in front of him and then get mad when he tries to "pet" her. I use quotation marks because usually he just grabs and pulls whatever part of her that he can. Hopefully they can learn to get along better quickly!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Akron Zoo

Yesterday we took advantage of the beautiful weather and took the boys to the Akron Zoo. They had a good time looking at all of the animals. Max got excited to see lions, leopards, bears and even the jellyfish! By the time we were walking to the car, he fell asleep right in my arms.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Busy Weekend

Sunday was my Aunt Judy's birthday. We had a little party at my Grandparents' house.

Here is Lila at the party on Sunday.

On Saturday, we went to a little party for Lila at her grandparents' house. It was a sort of belated baby shower/welcome Lila party.
Max got tired out!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We had a little picnic out back today! Finally a beautiful day!

Here is Max with my cousin, Robin, at her daughter Maiya's softball game yesterday.

The next three photos are from Sunday when we went out to eat for mother's day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I apologize for the lack of blog posts! It's been a busy couple of weeks here. The family has been fighting colds on and off for what seems like forever. Jacob had a sinus and double ear infection. Max's Uncle Eric had bronchitis...then me and my mom both got some kind of nasty stomach bug. Hopefully this is the last bout of this stuff until next fall. It is finally starting to look like spring here in Ohio. I took this photo outside of my lab's building on campus.

Max has had a major milestone as he has officially pulled himself up onto his feet using the coffee table. He gets a real look of satisfaction whenever he manages this! Here is a photo of Max with his cousin, Jake. They are becoming better and better friends!

Here is Max at Chick fil a. We got a seat next to the kids' play area and he was quite content to sit and watch the bigger kids run and play.

Here is a photo of the famous Max smile!

Here is Max doing what he does best...EAT! He still loves sweet potatoes and squash. He eats fruit mixtures and has just started eating some chicken and turkey baby foods. He goes "mmmmmmmmmmmm" when he takes bites!

Max still loves Mickey Mouse and really is a natural music-lover. It is so cute when he "dances" to music. He really has a natural rhythm...he even bounces his whole little body up and down when his dad sings to him! I will attempt to get video of this!