Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Max and I went to the Zoo on Saturday with Becky, Jake and Grandma Latsch. It was a beautiful day for it.

Max roared at the lion a bunch of times but the lion did not seem to be impressed.

He LOVED running alongside of the swimming penguins.

Double stroller fun

Happy with his Lion that Grandma got him

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A nice spring day! We only went for a short walk today but it was still nice to get some fresh air and feel like spring is coming. Max had a good time but was sleepy to begin with. He fell asleep in the car on the way there but got up and walked quite a while before he turned to us and said, "up!"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

On Sunday, we went down to my Uncle Mike's house in Holmes county to celebrate my cousin Allan's 18th birthday. It makes me feel so old! Allan is really the first person that I watched grow all the way up from being a tiny baby. He is about to graduate and start college in the fall. It seems crazy!

Max and Jake had a great time playing at the party. They especially loved going out on the farm and seeing horses and cows. I was surprised that the kids weren't more scared of the animals. Max walked right up to them and stuck out his hands.

Max is doing well. He likes to color a lot lately. I will have to send some of his creations your way. I still have older photos of him that I keep meaning to send. I don't know where all of the time goes each day. One of his cuter habits lately it to hold up his juice cup or bottle and say, "cheers!" He is not eating as well as he used to anymore. Now that he can run and play, he does not want to sit and eat. He does like pizza and chicken. The other night he really devoured a bunch of broccoli (aka "bockleeeee").

As usual, I have been pretty busy at school. There was an abstract deadline last week for a conference in August. We managed to submit it in time but my next stressful deadline is preparing for my departmental seminar presentation. I have to prepare a 45-ish minute presentation on my research for the department of biomedical sciences. As I am still collecting data, I am rushing to include more of my results. It will be nerve-inducing but nice to get one more graduation requirement out of the way.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I took this one on my phone so it's not great quality. We went for a walk on Wednesday because it was a beautiful day. Once again, Max refused to ride in his stroller. I guess he thinks that he is too big for that thing anymore. When he gets tired, he rather insists that his Daddy carry him.
Max running around the back yard on Tuesday

Today, he strolled into the kitchen wearing Daddy's shoes with a big grin on his face. Jon thought that I put him up to it but this was all Max.