Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

This was Max's first time sitting in his new Bumbo Chair. He really likes being able to sit upright on his own.

On thanksgiving morning, Max was not happy with being left in the living room while I was preparing the yams. I had to move him and his bouncy seat into the kitchen where he could watch me fumble around with pans and sweet potatoes. He especially liked to sit by the sliding glass door so that he could look outside!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last night, we had dinner at Becky & Eric's house. Jake was nice enough to share his little couch with Max.

Max's 4 month appointment went well. He weighs 14 lbs and 11 oz and measures 25 inches in length. The doctor said that both of those measurements put him in about the 50th percentile for his age. His head circumference was in the 75th percentile.

Max was a trooper for his shots. He got one oral vaccine and three shots in his little legs. He even managed to smile at the nurse through little tears after the first two...but after that third one, he really let us have it. It only lasted a couple of minutes though and then he was just sleepy.

We are on quite a sleeping streak. I'm not sure if it has to do with the shots, but he has slept about 10 hours each night for the last three nights! Mom and Dad are really enjoying it! We can all actually sleep at once...and not feel like zombies all day.

No teeth have popped through yet but he is still gnawing on his hands and drooling like crazy. I suspect that they will break through soon. Tylenol has helped a lot.

On today's agenda: turkey! Hope you have a good holiday!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Max got this outfit from my Aunt Helen...the little dino feet sicks are still a little too big but the rest fits pretty well! He wears a lot of size 6 months these days...growing so fast! He has his 4 month check up at the doctor's office tomorrow morning. We are anxious to see how much he has grown since his 2 month check up.

Here is another photo from last Saturday's shoot.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just a little sneak peak of the photos that we went and got taken this morning. The boys were real troopers...we are lucky to have such good little guys! More of these to come!

We went out for sushi on Thursday for Jon's birthday. They even brought out a banana tempura sundae with a birthday candle in it!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I happened to be looking through some old photos and thought it would be cute to compare Jake and Max at Halloween this year and last year...especially since Max wore Jake's old costume! Pretty cute cousins!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Max got a much needed bath yesterday. It amazes me how dirty the little guy can get when all he really does is eat, sleep and play! He doesn't mind the bathtub too much...he is always stunned when I first put him in, but he is starting to check out his rubber ducky and think that it is fun to kick around in the water...of course splashing mom plenty.

Max already likes to watch tv. I try to not let him watch too much, but it definitely gets his attention when any kind of cartoon is on the screen. He will sit quietly in his bouncy chair and watch for a while. Also, he seems to like football...his dad enjoys that!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Uncle Eric's mom, Joyce, got Max this cute outfit. The little shoes were from cousins Andy and Laura and their two girls, Anna and Amy.

We think that Max is getting his first tooth! He has been drooling nonstop, chewing nonstop, and moaning like we have never heard. He's still smiling and having fun though.

He went shopping with Grandma Debbie, Aunt Becky and Cousin Jake yesterday while mom and dad got some work done. He's going with me and Aunt Becky to a bridal shower in Cleveland today. A little boy on the go! We are hoping he can cheer the Browns onto a third win today.

On Friday night, he stayed with Grandma Debbie while we went out to celebrate Becky's birthday. That night, he slept from 10:30 pm to 7:30 am! I wish he slept like that EVERY night!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This outfit was a gift from Aunt Kitty. Max is actually fitting into some clothes that are sized 6 months...still a little big but not by much!

Yesterday he successfully pulled my glasses right off of my face. He was quite pleased with himself. Max spent a few hours with Aunt Becky and cousin Jake last night. Jake is such a good cousin! He shares toys with Max and gives him his binky. He even wiped off Max's little mouth with his bib while Aunt Becky was feeding Max a bottle.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Max has been sleeping better...although we still have rough nights sometimes. Last night, he slept from about 11 pm to 6 am. Not bad at all! He is definitely getting more grabby...he pulls my hair and the strings on my sweatshirts. He started playing with some little rattles and toy keys. His hand coordination is getting better and better! He still doesn't like tummy time at all, but he has fun lying on the floor and rolling onto his side with a little help from us.
For some reason, he thinks it is hilarious whenever I am trying to pull his arms out of sleeves to change his clothes. I don't know if it tickles or what, but he full on giggles whenever I am doing that. What a funny little guy!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010