Friday, January 28, 2011

The days really seem to be flying by! I don't know what happened to January. It's been busy around the Flate house. I'm teaching, coordinating the microbiology labs, and trying to get as much done of my own data collection as possible. Max really wants attention all of the time nowadays. He used to be content to sit in his bouncy chair for some period of time...not any more! We practice rolling, we read, we play with toys, we dance to music, we look out the's exhausting! Ha! As you can see in the photo above, he likes to stand/sit in his exersaucer and play.


Anonymous said...

Marvelous Max, on the Move, Happy and In Charge in his Magic Exersaucer!! What a concept! He's sooooo sdorable! How Do you do all that your life demands now? The blog is lots of extra work for you,and it is so appreciated. We love seeing him evolve and thrive and be so happy. And every day the wonderful Max calendar makes us smile!!!Thank you again for keeping us in the loop with the great blog.
We hope Max is sleeping ok at night, (and taking long naps during the day). Thank You Liz!M&R

Anonymous said...

Sorry....We know how to spell ADORABLE111 Love M&R