Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Here's a rare photo of Max looking serious! His eyes are still blue but I think they may be getting darker and darker. He has added a new trick to his repertoire...he now rolls from his tummy to his back. He generally still hates being on his tummy. When I go to set him down on his belly, he starts to roll over before I even get him all of the way down. I don't know how he's going to learn to crawl without being on his belly! Maybe he'll skip crawling and go straight to walking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whether Max is smiling, laughing,giggling, or wants to be serious, he is the most perfect baby. Every new picture is just wonderful, and the videos are just magnificent. We are so proud to be his grandparents!!
I know Max will be walking many months ahead of schedule. Everything he does is just so great. Love G&G