Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It's been a long week here. Max has been recovering and I've been sick for about a week...we're all beat! It is supposed to be warmer here for the next few days and we are all definitely looking forward to that. February weather is always tough in Ohio. It seems like it has been winter forever and the possibility of more snow in March and even April sometimes makes it seem like there is a long bit left yet.

In good news, Max is acting more himself again. He has been "talking" a lot the last couple of days. He seems anxious to air what is on his mind.

Other than that, not too much else to report...same old. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day/Anniversary! Although it is late, Max sent a little card.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Thank you for going out of your way to send us the pix and writing to us.
Max looks to be a little better, with his great smile. He is such a beautiful, beautiful boy. It just brightens our day when we see his happy face.
Please take good care of yourself, because winter will end someday, hopefully sooner than later.
We also have a package for you 3, that I hope to get out very soon.
Best regards, love M & R.