Wednesday, October 8, 2008


After much needed showers, we went out for dinner. Jon got salmon pizza and I got seafood pasta. We also picked up some groceries from the tiny market across the street. I have to say that so far, everyone has been very kind to us. I asked a couple of men for directions earlier when we were trying to find our apartment. One whipped out a GPS/Blackberry and looked up the address for me and the other went to ask his friend in a nearby store if he knew the address.

Also, the lift in our apartment building is out of order. We are on the 6th floor and so that means that we get to climb 7 flights of stairs every time that we get back here. I guess we can eat all the seafood pasta and salmon pizza that we want (and also that giant chocolate bar that I bought at the market). I have a photo of the apartment building above.

We are planning to call it an early night and hit the pavement early tomorrow. I think that Jon slept about 4 hours total last night and I maybe got 2. We are a little bit zombied out at the moment.

Oh one more thing. What is it with Coke Light over here? It just doesn't taste the same as my beloved diet coke. And why don't they put ice in their drinks? Le sigh.


Anonymous said...

your place looks so nice. that is a bummer about the lift, ugh. i also think that is a super idea to send back the wedding wear. the pizza and pasta also looks yummy. hope you get a good nights sleep. looking forward to updates : ) love you both~Becky

Anonymous said...

salmon pizza is great. the balcony to our apartment is frightening. it is just a floating slab of cement i don't want to be standing on when gravity takes effect. also i am learning that insomnia is the same in french as in english...terrible!

Anonymous said...

that is a pain about the lift. I guess you will build some leg muscles!! the food looked pretty good. maybe you will lose your addiction for diet coke. hope you can get some sleep Jon. We miss you and love you guys. mom